taming your temper.

i've been reading 'Reader's Digest' lately. and i found out that this book have so many things that can taught me more than i used to know. so i decided to buy it every month. and i'm gonna share something, it could be anything, from every single edition. today i'm gonna share one thing, that, for me it's very useful. it's about taming your temper. i know a lot of people that have an anger problems. like they can't control their anger, so they do stuffs like fighting, smoking, drinking, etc. well, it's bad. and i'm wondering why they do that? okay, they want to wreak their anger, but that way? i'm telling you people, STUPID THINGS LIKE THAT ARE NOT THE ANSWER FOR ANY OF YOUR ANGER! when you realize something you've done, you'll regret it. what i'm trying to say here is, hey! there's lots of things you can do when you're in a bad mood, or even in a high temper. so, i'm gonna share you what i've got from reading 'Reader's Digest' this month.

  • EXERCISE - physical exertion can help for brief, short term anger. so, instead of drinking and fighting and other stupid stuff, why don't you exercise your body. besides, it's good for your health.
  • WRITE A LETTER - or a blog. when you can write almost anything that you wanna say. even though, you're not gonna send it to someone. trust me you won't.
  • COOL OFF - if you're out of control, you'll not confront the person straightaway. again, it'll not clear out the problems.
  • COMMUNICATE - sit down a bit, relax, buy a cup of coffee, thinking what are the problems, and you can talk to a person that is close to you. maybe they could help.
  • USE HUMOR - think about something very funny. that can make you laugh and forget about your anger for a bit. for me, it worked!
  • PROS AND CONS - think like this "is the anger achieving anything or is it just hurting me?"
  • PROBLEM-SOLVE - ask yourself, "is there anything i can do about this whole situation?
  • ACCEPTANCE - you have to know that somethings in this life just aren't fair enough for yourself. and we have to accept that, hey, it's all God's plan anyway.
so there it is. i hope this could work on those who have a very bad temper. but i have to tell you, it's all coming back to you all now. whether you want to change what you're thinking and do or you won't change a bit. i know it's hard to control your anger, but you have to try it first. like they said, "if there's a will, there's always a way."

give it a try! :)



  1. wah..wah...ode...pacar kamu kali ni ingin berkoar tentang blog kamu...ternyata postingan kamu kali ini sedang menyinggung si gendut yang high temper ya...yap yap...gendut terima banget isi postingan kamu kali ini,gendut harus bisa ngatur temprament gendut..dan tetep kasih postingan yang bagus dan berguna terus ya...!!!

  2. hihihi. makasih yh sayang...kamu pasti bisa pu!!! :)
